Friday 30 September 2011

3rd Year Idea

Okay, so i admitted that the last couple of years I haven't really specialized in any particular area so i was struggling to work out what i was going to make in the 3rd year.

Luckily just this week i had a chat with sean, and helped me get on the right path.

I plan to create a fully CG environment which would be used possibly as a small level in a game engine, but primarily to make a short film with, telling story through subtle objects in the environment (which i have many ideas for)

I really liked the idea of having an abandoned diner that could be deserted for a couple of years but also slightly damaged and wrecked but nothing as bad as say something from Fallout.

Because there is only me producing this, I decided to work out what i enjoy and do best and what i would need major help or collaborated work from someone.

I made this 'confidence' chart (I call it) just to see which I am happy with (5 being most confident). For example the animation that i would require in the scene would be fairly easy and i am very confident that can all be done by me, whereas background/s i will definitely need some help with from someone good with painting. And all the ticks in between vary between 2 and 4. Most of the 2's mean I'm not completely confident with making them but i know exactly what i want for them.

This week I'm starting on some design ideas for the diner and also need to develop the storyboard, which is gonna be quite tough seeing as i have about 4 ideas

I also drew some very quick thumbnails for the blue prints of the diner.

On top of the story development and storyboard, I'm going to try and make mood boards for various areas, Such as i want to create one just for textures that could be used, one for colours used and also one for objects and the overall feel of the scene. However this may all be brought into one big board

3rd year has begun

The year has officially started, lots to talk about so i will try and be detailed without droning on and on.

First off to get it out of the way, I have a job working for the Engine shed and tower bars Student Union, this is to earn some money for my third year living costs. Hopefully this shouldn't take up too much time from my week and should rarely ever interfere with lectures.

Secondly, had our first few lectures with tutors for our final film and dissertation which was interesting and good to meet our new lecturers who seem great.

Third and most importantly, I've finally got an idea for my third year 3D work which i will discuss in a following post just to keep things a bit better organised.