Thursday 20 December 2012

More game modelling

 I have been continuing with the work for Dave's game. Below is a sci-fi type computer terminal for use as either an object you can interactive with or just an object to add a bit more detail to a certain area.
Dave also needed an end game room. The idea he told me was just an escape pod type thing. So I roughed out this quick Escape pod type station. Alot more details need to be added to the walls as well as making a new escape pod from scratch that actually looks good.

The plan at the moment, is to finish up the modelling for all of the rooms/corridors. Then to make some debris, broken lights, broken tiles, barrels, crates, computers, generators, panels and grates/vents for adding detail to rooms.

Next to move onto UV unwrapping. Which I have started on for the basic 5x10 corridor. Then to add textures after that.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Some testing of the objects

Created a corner section which is simple yet has some nice details in there.
Made this arrangement just to test how things were snapping together. Turns out pretty well. Hope its all okay at Dave's end in Unity.