Tuesday 21 May 2013

Train Modelling Progress

I have been working a lot more on the train adding windows and doors to the sides. One of the parts I wasn't looking forward to modelling is the 'undercarriage' part between the main train and the tracks itself. I took a risk and just went straight for it with little to no reference. I think its turned out well and I am happy it looks good enough considering it actually won't be shown off at all.
Current model of the train. (windows removed temporarily)
Undercarriage of the train

Monday 20 May 2013

Colourscripts for the Underground Scene

 I have added some more details to the underground scene and now I am getting close to texturing but first I will sort out the lighting at least to a decent standard. I always had these ideas of where light sources would be but it helps to 'paint' them on on. Some of the lights in the scene are already looking nice its not a case of actually tweaking them and adding some more light to areas of interest.
A very rough colourscript of lighting and colours in the scene
A very early render of the atmosphere. Need to actually create light in more areas to pick out the details.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Bike Shaders and Chromatic Aberation

Work in progress
Been working more on the motorbike. Mostly on Animation but today have been working on the shaders. Thankfully this is quite an easy process because very few objects need to be uv mapped (and even those are simply planar projections so not much hassle there).

I have added a bump to the engine's logo 'Dafra' and also there is a bump on the bikes rubber handles which work really effectively.

I have also been experimenting with trying to get more realism from my images so I rendered out a single image and then tried adding 'Chromatic Aberation'. For those that don't know what this is, Chromatic Aberation is a distortion on a real world camera lens that give a subject an ever so slight colour fringe depending on how the light is split. Ironically, most professional photographers try to remove this colour fringing to create better looking images while CG Artists add it to create realism in the picture and to better reflect a real world camera.

The above process was quite basic, just a simple case off-setting the colour channels of red and blue. However, for an even more realistic look I should use a depth map to control how strong the effect is closer and further away from the camera.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Bike Animation Work

The bike animation so far. Its getting there. Need to create the movement for the rest of the objects and also fine tune the animations of some parts to look nicer and more flashy.

More progress on the bike animation

I am slowly getting there. I have been quite busy lately trying to get my showreel sorted out for a possible job *fingers crossed*

Will post up the showreel soon once its uploaded


Finally got around to creating my showreel. Quite a few months late but there we go.
Here is a link to the vimeo version: http://vimeo.com/65107712