Tuesday 11 June 2013

Games Britannia Festival and textures for the Subway station

I recently came into an opportunity to be part of a workshop run by Sumo Digital, a Sheffield based games company. The workshop is focused towards the company's work on certain games and how the assets are created and incorporated into their engine. It also allows participants to work with developers to use there own assets and get them functioning in the engine.

It also provides a good meet and greet time for graduates like me and hopefully the chance to network a bit.

Carrying on with main project I have been adding some more textures to the subway station. I have been sourcing textures from CGtextures.com which has really helped. Also normal maps and other maps were made using crazy bump with some adjustments in photoshop.

The far right of the scene is starting to look quite nice. I am not sure if I am keeping this particular tile design on the wall but it works for now. Also I have to alter either the lighting or the specularity of the material because its creating a horrible section between the stairs and the vending machine.

Current progress of the station
As you might remember a little while back, I created the colourscript for the scene to visualise lighting and colour. I knew I wanted a red-ish glow coming from the vending machine and bouncing off the floor. Below is just 1 attempt at it on a blank scene. I am still trying to work out the best way to create it so will look more into whether the material should have some form of light coming from it or if light should be made to fake it.
Experiment with lighting