Sunday 3 August 2014

New set of drawers for the Bletchley Park scene

Spend this fine Sunday morning modelling and baking this set of drawers. Will be textured in a similar style to the desk, (Similar wood type etc)

Friday 1 August 2014

New WW2 Bletchley Park Project

I have recently started working on some environment assets for a new game. I won't say too much about the game as the developer doesn't want too much known the story right now.

However I can say that the specific parts I am working on are for a world war 2 themed environment in the game, based upon the Bletchley Park code breakers.

So far I have created a blockout of the environment which was sent to the main developer for his approval. 

I have also started working on one of the main assets for the scene. The bombe decoding machine

Still WIP
And I have also created a couple of desks for the decoders to sit at.