Thursday 26 March 2015

More modelling on the Katana

A quick session this evening detailing out the turret and back section of the tank and starting the engine section. This has been really fun to create so far. Can't wait to get it finished.

Sunday 22 March 2015

So it's been a while

My word, its been a long time since my last post. Unfortunately towards the end of last year I was in a very difficult situation in my personal life. Things happened, a lot of stress and uncertainty and I took a step back from working on my 3D art. I regret leaving it so long until now to post about this, but I am hoping that writing this today is another part of me moving on.

I want to build myself up. I need to work as an Artist. I hoped that I would get a job last year in the industry, I had some very good leads and interviews but unfortunately nothing ever came of them. So I have to try a lot harder this year. I need to beef up my portfolio and look all over for jobs.

As I said, I have been a bit lacking on the blog and 3d front, however one late night a few days ago, I decided to jump straight into Maya and just do something. I didn't have much on the ideas front so I modelled a tank based in the Dropzone Commander universe.

I don't know what my intentions were at first, But I've started pretty high poly in some places. So I think I am just going to go hardcore on it. And to really push it further, create a low poly and bake the normals.

Liam out

Monday 6 October 2014

Conveniently timed reference material

Added some lights to the ceiling. They really help to sell the atmosphere. As before lighting is temporary and will vary to in game.

I also stumbled upon a new film coming out staring Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing. Going to watch this myself as its about the invention of the Bombe decoding machine and should give me some nice ideas to add. Just to capture some of the mood from the promotional poster in my scene would be great.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

The scene is starting to come to life with the addition of details such as desk lamps and posters.

Still WIP and not representative of in game footage what so ever. Rendered in Mental ray.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Chair textured and constructing a scene

I finished texturing the chair a few days ago but forgot to update my blog. Also started work on a telephone. Its quite high poly at the moment, the dial will be baked down into a simple cylinder. Cable might look faceted in some places, but should stand up fine in gameplay.

I also assembled some of the assets I have created into the room. Bombe machine, walls and flooring are still wip. Dropped in a few lights for atmosphere. Its shaping up well. The real test will be how many other detailed small props and assets I can make to really bring the scene to life and to break up the repetitive layout/textures of the bombe machines and the desk.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Back from holiday and modelling some props

Went on holiday to Malta recently. Had a very good time and it was super hot. Unbearably hot sometimes. Now I am back I can work more on the Bletchley park project. I spent today modelling a chair (still needs baking to a low poly version) a wooden paper tray and also blackout curtains for the windows.

WIP Shape still needs to be refined and model baked

Sunday 3 August 2014

New set of drawers for the Bletchley Park scene

Spend this fine Sunday morning modelling and baking this set of drawers. Will be textured in a similar style to the desk, (Similar wood type etc)