Sunday 22 March 2015

So it's been a while

My word, its been a long time since my last post. Unfortunately towards the end of last year I was in a very difficult situation in my personal life. Things happened, a lot of stress and uncertainty and I took a step back from working on my 3D art. I regret leaving it so long until now to post about this, but I am hoping that writing this today is another part of me moving on.

I want to build myself up. I need to work as an Artist. I hoped that I would get a job last year in the industry, I had some very good leads and interviews but unfortunately nothing ever came of them. So I have to try a lot harder this year. I need to beef up my portfolio and look all over for jobs.

As I said, I have been a bit lacking on the blog and 3d front, however one late night a few days ago, I decided to jump straight into Maya and just do something. I didn't have much on the ideas front so I modelled a tank based in the Dropzone Commander universe.

I don't know what my intentions were at first, But I've started pretty high poly in some places. So I think I am just going to go hardcore on it. And to really push it further, create a low poly and bake the normals.

Liam out

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