Thursday 3 November 2011

Animatic Shot Experiments

Based on tutor feedback from Sultan, Sean, Simon and Peter all have told me that the one 'floaty' camera movement in the animatic is boring and slow. However a few understood that with textures and lighting and better models it might still work, although they did have suggestions which I have tried to follow recently in the past day or 2.

Instead of the 1 camera, I have added in shots of different aspects focusing on details around the diner. 1 is stationary however i think it looks odd on its own so will add some more locked cameras.

Peters advice was also good about the story, for example still with the theme of the mysterious character, the camera more closely follows the characters movement, such as when he puts down a whisky bottle or moves a chair across the floor. The camera is one step behind.

The general talks with all tutors have helped. I will see if Peter is around tomorrow so i can hopefully show him my experiments above.

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