Tuesday 1 May 2012

Project Overview

I am currently working on lighting and rendering my scene. I need to focus on getting something handed in for the initial submission then focus on getting it better for the degree show.
While waiting for a render, I thought I would quickly summarise all that has gone into the project. (All work is by me unless otherwise specified)

1. Initial Idea of cluedo-esque story through a run down american diner.

2. Concept work created by Amy Callaghan (environment and character experimentation), Hollie Steptoe (enviroment) and Liam Kirkman, Also a character design by Kelly Brookes

3. Storyboarding followed by Animatic created in maya through a scene blockout (playblasted) and some characters based on the standard norman rig (Adapted by others on internet).

4. Modelling stage including the use of: Box modelling, Polygons, Nurbs, High density model meshes, low density model meshes. Majority of modeling with Maya and some in Mudbox. 

5. Texturing all objects. 90-95% of shaders are standard maya/mental ray, other 10-5% are borrowed from various CG royalty free download sites. Textures created in photoshop with some in mudbox aswell.

6. Camera work with fly-through of scene.

7. Environmental animation.

8. Lighting. Mental Ray for Final Gather, Raytraced shadows and Global Illumination. Not yet finished lighting but likely using a combination of physical sun and sky and some point and area lights.

9. Rendering out 1024 by 576 with a device aspect ratio of 1.778. Rendering IFF images.

10. Compositing work in After Effects with PAL/DV1/Widescreen setting for DVD playback. 720 by 576, 25 Frames per second

11. Editing will also be After Effects along with titles and credits.

12. Sound created in Soundbooth and added into the final After Effects composite.

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