Saturday 16 February 2013

Recent happenings and a trip down memory lane

So, I have been quite busy lately with a lot of things. Todays post is a sort of haven't made one in a while type thing and also posting stuff I may not have posted before so sorry for the unprofessional format/horrible layout of the post.

This is part of the texturing for the T-Section corridor.

Stairs Model

Stairs finished Texture

Crates and barrel textures

Door frame model and texture (most recent work)

So yes, not much to say about them but the majority were made using photograph manipulation, original drawing/painting and some heavy use of photoshop filters and layer effects.

The crates is one exception. The texture used is taken from a texture pack I recently got on a free disc for 3D artist magazine.

Also for those that do not follow all of my posts the models are made for a game currently being developed as part of a dissertation project by a friend at university. The game can be played here:
(currently work in progress so excuse lack of polish and actual level elements)

Also as a little bonus I thought I would post a fairly old video of mine. It was a stop motion animation video created for a viral video project at college while studying Interactive Media.

I was very dissapointed at only getting a 'pass' for this as I feel it certainly fit the brief for a viral video as it gained about 30,000 views in only a couple of weeks. 

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