Thursday 19 December 2013

Mood-boards for Reference and Ideas

So I have an idea for a new project. I say new idea but I actually sketched this vague thumbnail years ago and rediscovered it and seemed perfect as I was looking for a character piece to work on.

The character is a young kid in his garden 'playing soldier'. He is wearing a military jacket of his dad's/grandad's that is too big for him. He is also wearing a pan on his head. Other details include baggy trousers or cargo pants, a loose belt, walkie talkie and remote control tank or Humvee.
I have little experience with concepts and sketching characters let alone 3d modelling them. So I attained lots of reference images to use and take inspiration from. I compiled these in a mood-board and made notes on features I liked and would maybe put towards my character and composition of the final image.
 Next I created another mood board of textures, model ideas, details etc.

And to make this project even more challenging for me, I am going to attempt to create it all in 3dsmax instead of my normal package Maya. Models, shaders, everything!
I still plan to use photoshop for lots of texture work and mudbox for maybe some light sculpting, but I don't think I will use it heavily due to the simplistic style of the character and his props.

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