Wednesday 29 January 2014


My attempt at hair for the kid. Not to sure if its working, definitely needs more work on it. I am going for a fairly stylised hair so its quite large thick strands which gives me more control and means I can pose it more when putting together the final composition.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Finished the base mesh

I would say the base mesh is finished so far. It needs some details but before that I have to fix a few mesh problems which confuse the hell out of me.

The screenshot below shows one problem that I don't know how to fix. It doesn't seem to be the normals, and I am fairly sure there aren't duplicated faces and/unwelded edges or vertices so I am really stuck for now until I can fix it. It might be harmless but it looks worrying especially as I don't know Max that well.

Friday 10 January 2014

Head and hand modelling for Panhead

I have been modelling more on the panhead character. After the base mesh of the body I moved onto the hand. Spent quite a while on this and it still needs a fair few tweaks and changes. The head was the most difficult thing I have done recently. Just the topology of it felt like a headache and then with my little experience of max that made it harder to fix problems. The hands were box modelled while the face was polygon modelling from planes using cylinders for the template of the eyes.
Current body

Head turbo-smoothed and head unsmoothed

Hand turbo-smoothed and hand unsmoothed