Monday 20 June 2011


Finished on the blocking. Gonna work on it tomorrow hopefully, adding some inbetweens and adding a little more character and smooth motion.

We have made Contact!

In all honesty today hasn't been as productive as i thought. However I've been getting familiar with the new 2012 version of Maya which was some bugs which I think I've worked around. Also taken a short while to refresh my memory on animations tools. Suprisingly the graph editor hasn't had any kind of impact and as it was before was a breeze to fly through and adjust key frames.

The picture is just the contacts for a walk cycle to be done on 2 beats (steps a second) its been a while since i attempted maya animation never mind a walk cycle so just picking it back up and can hopefully fly through the next couple of poses.

Sunday 19 June 2011


So it's been a short while since officialy finishing my 2nd year and not too long from officialy finishing work on our 2nd year film show for the degree show, However lately I have had a break and now i plan to get back into the flow.

I am still unsure about what I'm doing for a 3rd year project but i know i want to do it in 3D so Modelling and animation is what i am focusing on this summer. Animation will need more attention and projects, as it has been a fair while since i last did any.

I'm starting right at the basics again to get me back into the animation mindset (instead of the rigging/modelling/compisiting one i've had the past year) so I'm going to use the norman rig for walk cycles and other type animation.

I will start with poses and body animation work using normal pose to pose methods and will leave lip syncing out for now.

Friday 10 June 2011

Degree Show

Well yesterday was the degree show for all years that took place at the odeon right in the centre of lincoln.
I didn't get chance to visit last years as i was busy working however this year i didnt know what to expect. I was suprised to see the biggest screen in the odeon packed and we were struggling for seats. How cool is that. I later found out people from a local newspaper and college were there so thats pretty impressive.

The show was great everyones work looked stunning on the big screen and i was nervous when ours came on. However when people laughed at the imp reveal i had a big smile on my face and was so pleased.

After the show our lecturer sean wrapped it up with some awards for best 1st, 2nd and 3rd year films. I am happy to announce that our film won the 2nd year best film along with another group. SO happy :D