Thursday 16 February 2012

Some Feedback

So we had the formative review with Pete and Neil on tuesday. I think mine went quite well. Both seemed to really love the ideas and like my progress. The only problem came when i told them honestly, I didn't think I personally would be able to get all the characters done in time for the end. Which would be a massive shame and detract massively from the original 'Who dunnit' scenario.

So a few ideas came about from peers and the tutors. Some I will list.

1. Passing off the rest of modeling and texturing of the diner and models to other people.

2. Getting others involved with creating of characters

3. Using base meshs in programs like mudbox and zbrush and sculpting characters straight from there.

4. Starting from Scratch box modelling in maya and making all the characters. (Most work required for this option)

So i tried on option 3 last night. Only finishing this post this morning as it was quite late. But this is what i got after a bit of sculpting on the chef. Not detailed though.

I've also done a little more texturing and have a quick WIP picture to show. Used some reference and also some cloning of some of that reference.

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