Wednesday 25 April 2012

Latest on the lighting

Latest version of the lighting. Maya seems to be handling the normal renderview a little better so far. *Fingers crossed* it stays that way
Should of posted this a while ago, but this is a render of the bathroom so far.
Some of the textures and bump maps have been adjusted slightly since taking this photo. Currently trying to light the rest of the scene which is proving difficult as maya likes to crash alot with so much in the scene. High ish poly count, Plus shaders and high resolution textures bogging it down. Also having a problem where the render frame button on maya produces a different result compared to batch rendering 1 frame which is highly odd

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Bloody Glass Murder Weapon #4

Created the bloody glass, Possible murder weapon for the waitress. Used dialect mental ray material for blood and a glass shader. It's quite clean atm but I'm not sure how to go about dirtying it up.

The HDRI is just to show off the glass material.

Tire Iron

Just 2 quick pictures of the Tire iron. The weapon of choice for the out of towner.

I used a custom rusty metal shader from Creative Crash for this:

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Murder Weapons

Modelled the Meat cleaver today and textured it. The gun I had modelled earlier in the year and textured it yesterday.

Meat Cleaver with Diffuse, Specular, Bump and Reflection Map

Gun with Diffuse, Bump and Specular

More weapons to come, Possibly a tire iron or baseball bat and a broken glass

There are some big changes to my work scheldue. I am NOT doing characters or anymore. Or atleast not 3D models of them. I don't have enough time to finish the project with 3D models (Fully Textured and posed) aswell as rendering, Comping, Editing and sound.

So I have taken them out and placed more emphasis on the murder weapons, However i think i will be having some portraits of the characters in a fitting manor. Such as 'Your Chef' and 'Waitress of the month' On the walls. with a wanted sign for the out of towner and maybe the sheriff on a local magazine

Sunday 8 April 2012

Waitress modelling and general project goings

My apologies for the long-ish post
Thought I would make a post on recent happenings.
So I've recruited the help of a first year to help me with character designs. She is a good drawer from what I've seen so I'm happy to let her help me out in the aspect i suck at. She has already done a turnaround for the waitress but I have asked if she could do a few changes, not too big though.

Image by Kelly Brookes

Because I'm fairly happy with the overall shape and look, I've started to do rough box modelling and then make the changes as I go along. This might be a bad idea from a technical aspect, but I'm starting on this as soon as I can so I'm not too far behind.

Also I've been working more on texturing of the diner. It's fairly close to finished (Even if it should be of been finished by now). I'm in the stage where i want to try get it lit. Problem is, my maya keeps crashing when it comes to rendering. So I am going to have to do a few things to try and clean the scene up. Make sure some shaders are working okay. And convert some of the png textures to a lower Jpeg, which should help a lot with rendering.

As a side note. The chef character i was working on, was sculpted on a base mesh in Mudbox, However I am creating the waitress from scratch, partly because there is no base mesh for a woman and also because I need to properly make one from scratch to demonstrate modeling skills on an organic model.

In all honesty I have no idea if i can get this project done for the looming deadline. However I'm going to try give it my best shot. Should the characters prove too troublesome, I will have to revert back to the plan B, which was to purely show off the environment. Maybe as a bonus include one of the characters I've created.

I have this feeling that in order to fulfill the potential of this project, it really could of been a 2-3 man project. My lack of textures and organic modeling is what is slightly letting me down, However that is also part of the learning curve and hopefully by the end of this i will have become a more confident modeler and Texturer.