Thursday 19 July 2012

MindTex Software Review

Stumbled upon a great product called MindTex by a company called Frozen Flame. It uses a single diffuse/height/normal map to automatically generate other kinds of maps, like ambient occlusion and specular to name a few.

There is a standard map view where you can adjust the sliders to make sure the details are accurate (or to your artistic choice ofcourse)

A bonus which really adds value to the project is the 3D preview showing off all the maps generate. These can be toggled on and off and adjusted in realtime for instant feedback of the textures. 

After you have tweaked to your hearts content you can save out all the textures with 1 easy step. Simply click save > all > select your folder and hit save. Magically done and the files look like this.

I have just been experimenting with the 30 day trial, which doesn't appear to have any limits however I think I will definitely pay $15 for the full license which seems a great deal.
I don't really see any downsides to this really. Its just a great time saving, inexpensive alternative to creating texture maps yourself. Would definitely recommend it!

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