Saturday 18 August 2012

Quick post

Just thought I'd post this quickly. Just seems to be a nice dusky/sunset shot of the rear of the house. Finished modelling the rest of the roof's. 

Friday 17 August 2012

Professional Portfolio Website

Also thought I should mention that I have set up a Cargo Collective type website for use as my more professional showreel/portfolio website. This will have projects that are finished and may also have some in progress pieces (might be temporarily up for now to bulk the site up a bit) marked as WIP.

The site can be found here:

I do also have a domain name I payed for. Simple
However in order to link this to my cargo collective account, I need to upgrade to premium which I think I might do soon.

I will keep my 'Showreel' page on my blog for now, Just in case anyone wants to quickly see some work if they are already on my Blog.

I also need to get round to compiling even just 40-60 seconds worth of work for a showreel. This is quite essential as some potential employees want to see my best effort and work instantly.

Digital Tutors and House update

It's been a while since I last posted, but I do have some stuff to talk about and show off.

Firstly I have an updated render of the house/decking project.
I decided to physically model the roof as I thought it would help make it look more realistic and the geometry isn't too dense. Much. I will do the same for the top roof, and apply a shader to them all instead of UV mapping. The house will be UV mapped soon, ready for texturing. Also the wooden supports/struts need to be textured as well as the concrete and the plants. Not sure how well it would look but I might put some planes inside the house with pictures of the rooms. It might not work out, but could try using basic geometry similar to the actual layout.

As a way to help motivate and also to keep learning new things I have subscribed to digital tutors. I know my friends at University subscribed to it and it really helped them so I think it would be a good idea to get some professional step by step training.
I'm currently in the process of modelling an assault rifle. Using the tutorial videos it has given me some great tips on a variety of modelling techniques such as good edge loops, maintaining quads where possible, clean geometry and more.

Wednesday 8 August 2012


Have been experimenting with using fur to make the grass. Isn't quite there yet but it will do for now.
I've also done a tad more modelling to the extension part of the house, which includes a gutter and extra bricks coming out of the wall for added realism and closeness to the actual house design.

Need to texture the house asap really.