Sunday 23 January 2011

The blog begins...again

After a successful first year, I'm back baby! I achieved a 2nd for my work in our group project.
I hope to better this grade within my next works.

We have now currently been put into groups once again, this time substantionally bigger! 6 in our team consisting of:
  • Liam- Modeller
  • Aaron- Animator
  • Martyna- Modeller
  • Hollie- Concept/Post
  • Erica- Concept/Texture work
  • Sam- Generalist

So far we've been given an idea around the famous Imp of Lincoln and between us we had to work out a story. Struggling that Paul suggested a couple of ideas to help us along and we found one we liked and couldn't resist taking on.

We had this whole idea of a baby imp character playing with a train set, which would be a toy based world of lincoln which showed places like the cathedral built with building blocks and other toys etc.

Then we thought of a story around it and came to the conclusion that the baby imp was actually the controller of the town and so for everything it did, it had a reaction on the real world. Being as young as he is, he plays around with the train going backwords and forth and we wanted to represent that in the real world and the result; everyone waiting at the crossing for the train confused as to why the train is all over the place.

Have to leave it as that for now, unfortunatly cut short. (working on the animatic at this point in time)

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