Thursday 27 January 2011

Some complications with mediums

A few talks have been had, the topic being, How were actually doing it?

We originally said it would be 2D Flash/ToonBoom for the first half, composited with 3D elements such as the train.

The clouds would be mostly done in after effects.

Followed by the Imp section entirely created in CGI.

With tutor comments and ideas, Sean asked:
  • Will the 2 Different scenes clash because of art style/medium?
  • Would it be better to create it all in CG?
This made me realise, why not make it all in CG? theres 6 of us, we should be able to pull it off.
However it's still a big big ask. For instance we would need to make several human characters in maya and rig them. Not to mention animate them all individually for the whole film. This may sound like me not pushing myself but as a group we decided it would be best to go with our original vision of a 2D and 3D hybrid.

Liam out

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