Monday 24 January 2011

Jobs jobs jobs...

After a bit of chat with the group and working out the rest of our film we have now all got things to do and planned out what we need to do for the next week.

Aaron has taken on the role of the director of the film which I am pleased for because it makes it much easier to listen to 1 person in terms of work load and goals that are set.

Currently I'm working on the animatic, Collaborating with Hollie to try and perfect the animatic to please the group and our tutors.

Also on the side I'm starting on the modelling of the realistic train for the first sequence. I am pleased with this as its the first bit of modelling I've started to do. This job was originally assigned to Sam but unfortunatly he has kept out of touch with the group on occasions and he hasn't always been in the studio on lecture days/meeting days.

Hopefully the animatic should be done soon, if not by a few days then next week. This should be a realistic target but we shall see how things go.

Liam out.

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