Tuesday 1 February 2011


After a long day of discussions, feedback, drafts, re-drafts and general working, Finally things seem a bit more clearer on what were doing, more specifically what each of us are doing.

Started off another tuesday morning, with feedback from Paul and Neil and also some assistance and feedback from Simon. The animatic once again got a bit beaten, fortunatly its not too bad its just not completly all together and there yet. I mainly worked on this for the past couple of weeks and I was having trouple making sure I had the right timing for shots so Aaron had taken over this until completion with input from the rest of the group as usual.

I have now been given the responsibility of compiling the test shots. This is a slightly awkard situation, I only say this because I'm waiting on resources from other members of the group but if all goes to plan and i hopefully obtain everything i need by Friday, I have the whole weekend to work on the test shots for both the first half and 2nd half.

In the mean time I'm currently working on modelling the crossing including train barriers and lights. This may not be made final depending on how well the test shot works out. This may just be manually drawn in 2D.

I'm glad Aaron is taking charge, It's refreshing. There is now a spreadsheet live of each individuals Tasks and deadlines. I see myself being alot more focused on my job because of this.

Aaron and I have discussed some problems with the project. Heavily focusing on Sam. Were not sure how he's working and what he's done. He was assigned the job of modelling the train 2 or 3 weeks ago and although he has told us he's made progress we haven't seen anything from it

I have expressed concern that my job title was "Modeller" and I have felt that I have not been used for this, However with the jobs that I have been given I am actually happy to do and they do involve alot of what I would like to get out of this project so its not a big issue.

Think thats all for today. Will keep this posted as regular as I can

Liam out!

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