Tuesday 29 March 2011

Something else...

Something else, I worked on a little while back was the first test shot once again. But this time with the carriages added and a higher quality on rendering and lighting so its looking fairly nice. Unfortunatly I only have the image files and have nothing to composite them together with but shall do this tomorrow and upload.

However, despite this not being uploaded as of yet, the team really seemed to be impressed with the effect and the shadows work well how the light disappears and reappears between each carriage. Its really nice and I was certainly impressed.

Untitled from Liam Kirkman on Vimeo.


  1. out of curiosity do you have a facebook? I am trying to make friends and keep in contact with other animation students

  2. Yeh I do, Ah that sounds cool. Yeh go for it add me if you like :)

  3. http://www.facebook.com/LiamKirkman
