Thursday 15 November 2012

Arch Modelling and Normal Map Experimenting

So Dave (game's student) told me which designs he liked from the page of designs I sent him. I have now started doing some fairly quick models of them, and he is going to pick 1 or 2 from these. This is a little biased however as I have made more effort for the first ones middle section between the 2 sides therefore resulting in a better model in my opinion. However the other 2 designs still have there merits.

The design above is my favourite possibly because I spent a little bit more time on it.

This one I like for the computer terminal and protruding support sections.
This one is a bit more generic sci fi with miscellaneous pieces which could form pipe works, radiators, coolers etc. 

While modelling a floor panel from the earlier designs, It occured to me to try and generate a normal map from the geometry to reduce the poly count on the game. One of the tiles below is the normal map, the other is the high res geometry model. Can you tell which?

So yeh that was probably easy anyway. The right tile is the normal map. I find the process okay however there were a few hiccups. The process for this was generating a normal map from the top camera view. This was easy as it was a flat object. For things like the arch things above, these need a different process which I need to look into more.

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