Thursday 8 November 2012

Interview summary

Interview was yesterday and I think it went really well. It didn't seem so much as a formal interview, more a informal chat about my background and interests and some more details about the placement.

I am officially doing the 14th of January slot which gives me enough time to sort out work arrangements and accomodation (possibly hotel, b&b or temporary student accomodation).

I've also learnt that I will be using Luxology's Modo software during the time there and they are happy to put me in my preference of the modelling and texturing department :)

It was a pleasant chat and learning that the 2 guys that interviewed me had also started as work experience really gave me a boost of confidence in that should everything go well, sometime in the future I could possibly be hoping for a job there.

Aside from learning Modo software, as expected I will also be needed for runner jobs; getting teas and coffees, running to the shops, tidying up etc.

On a last note (albeit a very fun one) I was immediately surprised when I walked into the electric works to find they had a huge indoor helter skelter type slide. How brilliant is that?

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