Sunday 6 January 2013

Update on Life, Game Textures and Work Experience Preparation

Happy late new year!

So I had a good Christmas and have been trying to get lots of work done for Dave before mid January.

Mainly been texturing stuff. In the most recent issue of 3D artist which I have a 3 month subscription to, there is a cd with a dozen or so really good sci fi textures on. So I'm using those while adapting them and also adding my own hand painted parts to the final textures. 

The textures also include really good ready to use normal maps which are great as seen here.

A single wall section

Several wall sections together. (Lights are used to demonstrate normal maps)

The problem comes when I chop up and move and scale the textures so have to do exactly the same for the normal maps. Which is fine for the ones above but the example below which consists of one of the textures from the CD and other stuff hand painted by me, means it might be very difficult to combine it all.

However I don't know if Dave is planning on using normal maps in his game yet. 

I must say although this is familiar techniques and principles, I'm still learning with trying to keep geometry moderately detailed while not too high poly count. Also making sure its clean so the game engine can handle it without problems.

 The main corridor section texture so far.

Due to the limitations of lights in a game engine I've also experimented with "painting" light around the yellow lights. I think it looks reasonable for a first attempt.

A close up of the broken cables on the floor

There is a couple more things I need to finish modelling, such as some details that can be added like crates, barrels, broken pipes, terminals, panels, vents etc.
One thing that is close to finishing is these stairs. Pretty basic but they will only be used to mark the areas where the levels will rise or decent. They should also be pretty simple to texture.

As a last point, my work experience is very soon and I am very excited. I have been following some digital tutors videos on Modo and making some notes which I can take with me to give me a slight headstart. Had a play around on the software and it seems fairly intuitive, camera controls were a bit funky but managed to change them to match Maya's which made it a lot easier and nicer. Just experimented with making basic objects and aiming to work out which tools are similar to mayas and which are new to me. But all the normal principles are there.... quads, neat edge loops, clean geometry etc

Hopefully post at least one more blog post before I go to my work experience on the game environment stuff.

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