Tuesday 15 January 2013

Work Experience

Started my work experience yesterday. Just thought I would post an update on my thoughts about the place and my role.

I am essentially a runner for 2 weeks, but it's not a huge company so I'm not doing too many odd jobs. Just the occasional post check and making teas/coffees for people and general tidying. So 95% of my time is spent working on my own little side project and getting used to modo. All the staff seem really friendly and one thing that has actually taken me by surprise is apart from the obvious higher level of skill and professionalism, a day in the studio isn't unlike doing a good days work back at Uni. Everyone collaborating in their own little teams and talking through and fixing problems. I am also in awe of how they have their files set up on the network so more than one person can work on a file at the same time, such as one person animating and another set dressing. I know this is how a professional company works, but its just seeing it for that first time hands on, It's just so awesome.

The guy I report to for modelling set me the task of making some headphones to learn some of modo. So far Modo is actually okay. Its like maya... just different. Imagine the jump between windows and osx, you can do the same things you just have to press different buttons. However I am finding myself once in a while thinking "Oh, this is much better than how maya does it" and sometimes thinking "God, I want maya back, I know exactly how to do what I want in that program"

I like that with the default settings of Modo you instantly get nice renders, not faffing about (although obviously you can change settings to your hearts content).

I thought I would post my progress of the headphones so far

If you couldn't tell from the obvious style of the headphones themselves they are based on a pair of Dr Dre Solo's should anyone want to know. From feedback from John I seem to be progressing well and modo in general has a learning curve but at the end of the day, It's still 3D modelling. Although I am learning new techniques which I can also carry over to Maya which is handy.

I will post more about how I am finding the company in the next few days and next week, but I won't discuss in great detail as I need to be careful about what I say such as their current projects.

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