Thursday 17 January 2013

First week of work experience nearly over.

It is now Thursday night and I've nearly had my first week at Red Star 3D.

The experience has been really good so far. Some great insights into the company and some really friendly extremely talented people. I've also been in some of their important meetings and reviews watching various stages of shots for their current project. Some of these shots fully animated, lit, rendered and compositited and some just in the blocking phase.

What first surprised me about the structure of the work force was how much input every single person had on all aspects of the design. It seems like a very good way to work and everyone know's what the other is doing even in a different department.

Now back to my work. I finished the headphones today. A turnaround is being rendered out overnight so will upload that tomorrow. The headphones has been a fun project and was a good early test for learning modo. The modelling was perfectly fine, it was only when it came to uv mapping and applying textures and materials that I was having trouble. Coming from maya and the hypershade, It has taken me a while to get used to how modo works with materials more than any other aspect of the software. Even though it works similar to how photoshop layers work, it can still get quite complex without you knowing where something exactly is very easily. As a result of finding this step quite tricky I feel I was put back a day or so. I could make the models, I could make the textures, I just couldn't figure out how everything liked to be handled in modo.

Upon finishing the headphones today I was given the privilege to be allowed to work on an actual film production currently going on at the studio. I don't know how much I can say but all I will say is that I was modelling things, which suited me fine :)

Tomorrow I have my last day for the week, and then I'm travelling back home (hopefully if the snow doesn't get worse and trains get cancelled) and more than likely working at my normal job Saturday and Sunday. Fun Times!

Will post another couple of updates over the coming week.

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