Monday 24 October 2011

Audio for animatic and modelling for final piece

So today I've been working on my telephone for the final piece*, seeing as it was something i knew would be definitely in the final thing I knew I could safely model it knowing I will always include it.
After the phone is complete i think i will move onto the jukebox or possibly work on the booths and do some sculpting in Zbrush/mudbox (whichever is available)

I spent this morning working on audio for my animatic in final cut express, however i later changed, i thought it would be best to start in garageband for animatic purposes. Due to technical problems i didnt get as much time on this as i was having trouble exporting my playblast/render out of maya into a usable format for the post production programs.

Another thing i would like to talk about, I am thinking of including a song of the 1950's era on the jukebox to play throughout the scene or partly. My inspiration is any 1950's music and also music similar to those played in The fallout series (3 and New vegas). However I want to make sure i use something NOT from the fallout games, to steer away from being such a copycat as much as it might be tempting to use certain really fitting songs.

Hope my tutors are happy with my animatic once its done, according to the timetables mine will be reviewed next week instead of this week so it gives me a bit more time. But I'm not rushing for it, its practically done, hence why I'm moving on to modelling the final assets.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Updated Animatic

This is my most recent animatic, bit lengthier, which I wanted, so i could show off more of the environment. I'm still not able to get the right angle i want with some parts of the playblast. I'm not sure if its Maya 2012 being buggy and glitchy but sometimes the camera really gets messed up and its a bit of a chore to maintain it while I'm trying to edit a different point on the timeline.

Friday 21 October 2011

Nice Surprise

I was walking by a shop today and noticed this in the window, perfect for me to base my phone model on. I took a couple of pictures. Its exactly what i want and fits the era, except i would roughen mine up a bit to show its been there for a few years or so.

edit: Would of been nice to buy this to keep as reference, unfortunatly my student budget would not stretch to the £50 odd for it.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Current Animatic

Although this is rather crude and there are still many things wrong with it, such as timing and horrible camera movements and no ease in and outs, its a rough idea for the camera movement. I will make it a lot smoother, easier on the eyes and add in some sound when I've got it looking nice then i can get it approved and start on the real thing.

Monday 17 October 2011

Not a large update

I've done a tiny bit more modelling on the scene. It has some details but not too many where i have wasted time. Want to try and get the right camera path set up and done this week, along with rendering it out (or playblasting) and adding sounds and tiny bit of editing to finish up the animatic a week ahead of scheldue (from when tutors want to see it anyway)

Sunday 16 October 2011

Story and Blocking out

Although the animatic doesn't require lighting, i thought it would be good to show a similar lighting setting i would want for the final piece. So i have tried to create what i want. The lighting is still quite wrong and doesn't work for example the ceiling being too bright, but i am just fiddling with settings to get it looking okay and can hopefully just create an animatic from a camera fly through the scene.

I may also aswell talk about the story of the scene. The story will be told by the way the camera moves through the environment. It will first focus on a shot showing a closed back door and also the telephone on the hook. the camera will go back on itself focusing on the kitchen and bar area. Round the corner you will see the jukebox and then turn around again to see the far side of the diner then it will come back slowly along the long straight section. During this time the phone will ring and foot steps can be heard, leading towards it being picked up and maybe a voice. However the camera will stay focused on the enviroment going along the tables and seeing the lit cigarrette. Eventually the the camera focuses back on the original shot showing the phone swaying of the hook and the backdoor swinging like it just had someone rush out.

Some concept images

Just to clarify, I have assigned amy and hollie to do some concept work for me, so the following is none of my own work, however i am proud to say i like what they've done and are very similar to my vision and actually what i want to make.

She has nicely made me a logo with a good old cliched american diner name. Sweet

A good piece of concept showing the harsh blind shadows and generally the dark ish lighting.


Bit more colorful and detailed shots of possible settings for the phone area.

Although the blue is not my idea for the colour of the background its a nice stool, with slightly ripped leather, Ideally the stool would be slightly more burgundy, but the rust is good, not too much or too little.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Some more on the blocking

More on the blocking done tonight. Not a massive amount, i know its important to not get caught up on details, however i did add some cups and plates and also a couple of tills just for my sake, it just looks a bit nicer of an environment, even if it is just for animatic purposes.

Monday 10 October 2011

Diner Update

I have enlisted the help of amy and hollie to help me with concept work, I have already seen some of Hollies pictures and there looking good, i just suggested a couple of things i wanted different in them.

I also managed to work out the main story of the piece (even though its an environment showcase, i want some kind of a story through it)I think i will go into more detail about this soon. Because, i worked out the story or the main camera movement i can do a shot plan and have worked out the rough movement of the camera through the environment and have finalized the diner (ish) So i started to block it out in maya so i can create an animatic from it.

Its early days for the actual environment itself, however this would all be completely rebuilt from scratch for the final scene.

edit:Forgot to mention, I've been extremely busy last week and weekend, but this week i want my animatic done possibly with sound, it should take a good night or 2, but getting the camera right will be tricky. Also hopefully want to see amy's concept work, she is busy with her group so i cant depend to much on her but would be good to see something, the sooner the better and i will make sure all who have helped in my film get credit for it.