Sunday 16 October 2011

Story and Blocking out

Although the animatic doesn't require lighting, i thought it would be good to show a similar lighting setting i would want for the final piece. So i have tried to create what i want. The lighting is still quite wrong and doesn't work for example the ceiling being too bright, but i am just fiddling with settings to get it looking okay and can hopefully just create an animatic from a camera fly through the scene.

I may also aswell talk about the story of the scene. The story will be told by the way the camera moves through the environment. It will first focus on a shot showing a closed back door and also the telephone on the hook. the camera will go back on itself focusing on the kitchen and bar area. Round the corner you will see the jukebox and then turn around again to see the far side of the diner then it will come back slowly along the long straight section. During this time the phone will ring and foot steps can be heard, leading towards it being picked up and maybe a voice. However the camera will stay focused on the enviroment going along the tables and seeing the lit cigarrette. Eventually the the camera focuses back on the original shot showing the phone swaying of the hook and the backdoor swinging like it just had someone rush out.

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