Monday 24 October 2011

Audio for animatic and modelling for final piece

So today I've been working on my telephone for the final piece*, seeing as it was something i knew would be definitely in the final thing I knew I could safely model it knowing I will always include it.
After the phone is complete i think i will move onto the jukebox or possibly work on the booths and do some sculpting in Zbrush/mudbox (whichever is available)

I spent this morning working on audio for my animatic in final cut express, however i later changed, i thought it would be best to start in garageband for animatic purposes. Due to technical problems i didnt get as much time on this as i was having trouble exporting my playblast/render out of maya into a usable format for the post production programs.

Another thing i would like to talk about, I am thinking of including a song of the 1950's era on the jukebox to play throughout the scene or partly. My inspiration is any 1950's music and also music similar to those played in The fallout series (3 and New vegas). However I want to make sure i use something NOT from the fallout games, to steer away from being such a copycat as much as it might be tempting to use certain really fitting songs.

Hope my tutors are happy with my animatic once its done, according to the timetables mine will be reviewed next week instead of this week so it gives me a bit more time. But I'm not rushing for it, its practically done, hence why I'm moving on to modelling the final assets.

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