Monday 10 October 2011

Diner Update

I have enlisted the help of amy and hollie to help me with concept work, I have already seen some of Hollies pictures and there looking good, i just suggested a couple of things i wanted different in them.

I also managed to work out the main story of the piece (even though its an environment showcase, i want some kind of a story through it)I think i will go into more detail about this soon. Because, i worked out the story or the main camera movement i can do a shot plan and have worked out the rough movement of the camera through the environment and have finalized the diner (ish) So i started to block it out in maya so i can create an animatic from it.

Its early days for the actual environment itself, however this would all be completely rebuilt from scratch for the final scene.

edit:Forgot to mention, I've been extremely busy last week and weekend, but this week i want my animatic done possibly with sound, it should take a good night or 2, but getting the camera right will be tricky. Also hopefully want to see amy's concept work, she is busy with her group so i cant depend to much on her but would be good to see something, the sooner the better and i will make sure all who have helped in my film get credit for it.

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